Do you have goals for yourself that you truly desire, but somehow never follow through with putting in the work to get there? Have you considered that it may not be the result of lack of desire or effort, but rather because you're not setting goals that your brain can understand and thus achieve?
In this bundle, Dr.Cloud takes you through the process of change. Starting with WHY you're not reaching your potential, moving through the PROCESS OF CHANGE, and finishing with the FRAMEWORK & STRUCTURE of how to reach your goals.
Get the future you desire with:
Why Your Resolutions Don't Stick:
What makes you break your New Years resolutions? Why do we always break promises we make ourselves?
Dr Cloud discusses the reasons and offers some solutions in this 27 minute video.
Hard work doesn’t always bring the results you desire, but hard work used in proven ways will. Align your talents, energy and efforts with these research proven methods to get to the next level of results, professionally & personally.
A complete six-week online video training series featuring Dr. Henry Cloud.
In Six Weeks you will learn:
- What kinds of goals work & what goals won't work
- What kinds of metrics and score-keeping to put into place
- How to align your efforts in the ways your brain produces results
- The right place to begin after you've established your goal
- The structure to track your progress, keeping you on track to success
- How to think like a high-level performer
- How to succeed in areas you haven't before
Four Tracks to Change