
The Wake You Leave Behind with Dr. Henry Cloud Cloud – #005 Lead U


When you talk about someone of great virtue, they’re a force for good. What we find with great leaders and great successes is that when they move through a company, move through a department or move through an industry, they’re like a force that leaves a wake behind them. Successful people are the ones who leave a lot of good things in your wake. 

What kind of wake are you leaving? If you could look at all the leadership research that’s ever been done, it’s going to come down to two big piles. One side is going to be results, and the other side is going to be relationships. When a leader moves through a company, they leave a wake behind them in those two areas, and people are better off for having been in their wake.

Now, go a step further. Ask those you communicate with, “What’s it like to be on the other side of me in the area of results and the area of relationships?”

Links Mentioned in this Episode



Leadership University

How David Beat Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

The 50th Law by 50 Cent


Questions featured in this Episode

In this episode of The Leadership University Podcast, Dr. Henry Cloud answers some of the questions you’ve submitted to our team.

  1. What is the shape of the perfect leader, and does he or she exist?
  2. Does every manager need to be a leader?
  3. You say anyone can be a leader. Aren’t there people whose traits make them unfit to be a leader?
  4. Is it possible to lead when you’re not the boss?
  5. What’s the worst fault a leader can have?

Quotes from this Episode

Success is not always related to talent or brains. 

– Chris paraphrasing Dr. Cloud

There’s a difference between something that can be fixed vs. something that’s unchangeable.

 –Dr. Cloud

I have a lot of hope for people, and I love to see them grow. 

–Dr. Cloud

A manager makes sure things are done right. A leader makes sure the right things are done.

– Dr. Cloud quoting Peter Drucker

Subscribe to The Leadership University Podcast

Every Tuesday we release an this podcast as an entertaining and informative way of sharing practical advice about the fundamental and most needed competencies that every leader must develop. Think of this podcast as an easy way to move a few steps further down the path to realizing your leadership goals.

Join Dr. Henry Cloud and an exciting new guest expert each week by subscribing to iTunes or checking us out on Sound Cloud

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What Is Leadership? – An Interview with Dr. Henry Cloud – #001 Lead U

The issues in leadership are pretty much universal, whether you lead a department or a global enterprise. The contexts are different, their complexities are different, but the issues we’re able to relate to practically.

When you talk to people about leadership, everyone has their own idea, or their own confusion about it. I wanted to do something simple and practical, something you can take to work with you tomorrow. So, by analyzing how the brain works, I've broken down leadership in a process of five steps.

Links Mentioned in This Episode

Takeaways from this Episode

Dr. Henry Cloud's 5 Buckets of Leadership

Realize what the desired future is.  It’s the vision, a really clear picture of where it is you want to go, the desired future.

Engage the talent that will get it there. The brain puts a team together. A leader realizes early on that there’s got to be a selection and gathering, and an engagement to pull it off.

Have a strategy or plan and executing that. Execute a plan. How are you going to get there? It gets a plan so it knows how to get from here to there.

Measure how you’re doing. You've got to know where you are in the process and hold yourself accountable to that.

Fix and adapt along the way to what you find. Evaluate where change needs to be made.

Quotes from Dr. Cloud 

Sometimes you’ve got to ask, "Where’s the pain?" And when you being to see that, it gives you a door to walk through. 

Am I result or a cause? Leadership is about a cause. If you're a cause you ask, “What does my vision need today?” If it’s clear, you need to measure it. 

Accountability is about the future. Why are we looking at where we are? So we know if we’re getting there. 

Subscribe to The Leadership University Podcast

Every Tuesday we release an this podcast as an entertaining and informative way of sharing practical advice about the fundamental and most needed competencies that every leader must develop. Think of this podcast as an easy way to move a few steps further down the path to realizing your leadership goals.

Join Dr. Henry Cloud and an exciting new guest expert each week by subscribing to iTunes or checking us out on Sound Cloud

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HCLU: What's Ahead for The Leadership University Podcast

We’re days away from the launch of Dr. Henry Cloud’s Leadership University Podcast! We'll be featuring insightful interviews and impactful lessons from Dr. Henry Cloud and incredible guests.

On today’s preview episode, hear clips from some of our upcoming interviews: Chris McChesney, Shelby Skrhak, Josh Ellis, Ken Blanchard and Liz Wiseman.

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Leadership University

How to Contact Jennifer, Chris and Henry: podcast@drcloud.com

Dr. Henry Cloud on Facebook

Dr. Henry Cloud on Twitter

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HCLU: How Leaders Can Get Better Results and Have Better Relationships

The issues in leadership are pretty much universal, whether you lead a department or a global enterprise. The contexts are different, their complexities are different, but the issues we’re able to relate to practically. 

When you talk to people who work to about leadership, everyone has their own idea, or their own confusion about it. I wanted to do something simple and practical, something you can take to work with you tomorrow. In this podcast, I look at leadership in the way someone’s brain works.

I am grateful for and encouraged by the brilliant guests that have been kind enough to walk along with us and share their insights into the challenges and triumphs of leadership. It is my hope that this podcast will initiate authentic, healthy conversation, learning and relational connection among leaders and their teams. 

I would like to invite you to join me by going to this link and subscribing. 

Your time and consideration for this new project are appreciated, and I can’t wait to get started. 


How You Can Connect 

How to Contact Jennifer, Chris and Henry: podcast@drcloud.com

Dr. Henry Cloud on Facebook

Dr. Henry Cloud on Twitter

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